#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | | # | tunnelbroker-update script | # | version 0.10b, 2008-03-22 | # | | # +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | | # | written by: | # | Norman Rasmussen | # | Vladimir Remetic | # | Mike Tindle | # | Mark Andrews | # | | # +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | | # | Change Log: | # | | # | 0.10b: Norman Rasmussen, 2008-03-22 | # | Moved away from mwhatismyip.com, because they have | # | weird http redirects in place. | # | Using ipv4 tunnel broker hostname | # | | # | 0.10 : Norman Rasmussen, 2008-03-20 | # | Updated for new multi-tunnel web interface | # | Updated my email address | # | | # | 0.09 : Mark Andrews, 2003-06-21 | # | Fixed problems with setting up IPv6 side of tunnel | # | and IPv6 default route. | # | | # | 0.08 : Mark Andrews, 2003-06-21 | # | FreeBSD support | # | Prefix parsing updated | # | | # | 0.07b: Norman Rasmussen, 2002-07-19 | # | does that for /64 dns entries as well | # | | # | 0.07 : Norman Rasmussen, 2002-05-26 | # | Retrys if it gets an 'endpoint is unstable' error | # | | # | 0.06b: Norman Rasmussen & Vladimir Remetic, 2002-04-01 | # | added -T back. | # | -T problem fixed | # | | # | 0.06 : Vladimir Remetic, 2002-04-01 | # | automatic interface detection (ppp+/eth+). | # | automatic NAT firewall detection. | # | note: often isp's hide your real ip from web-servers | # | if they force you through their cache server. | # | small makeup changes, behindnat is sub now | # | removed -T. | # | added static ip support | # | note: if you set static ip it will override automatic | # | ip detection so as NAT detection. | # | you should only set this option if you have | # | static ip and all the IP detections fail. | # | | # | 0.05b: Norman Rasmussen, 2002-03-31 | # | ugh, expect me not to figure that getting ip's | # | must not go via proxy server. | # | | # | 0.05 : Norman Rasmussen, 2002-03-30 | # | cleared up some of the patches, fixed up white space. | # | i'm using 8 length tabs as well now, was using 4. | # | included Mike Tindle's code for tunnel setup once | # | the end point had been updated. | # | we now check for bad username/password when we login | # | updated my email address, iname are going to stop | # | forwding for free. | # | | # | 0.04 : Vladimir Remetic, 2002-03-29 | # | if you are behind NAT your IP could be detected | # | through http://www.whatismyip.com | # | note: often isp's hide your real ip from web-servers | # | if they force you through their cache server. | # | | # | 0.03b: Mike Tindle, 2002-03-27 | # | It sets up the config locally for the tunnel | # | as well as updating the tunnel broker | # | | # | 0.03 : Norman Rasmussen, 2002-03-20 | # | now updates dns settings when you active the /64. | # | | # | 0.02 : Norman Rasmussen, 2002-02-19 | # | script can now active a tunnel that was down. | # | | # | 0.01 : Norman Rasmussen | # | script updates old tunnel with current ipv4 address. | # | | # +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ##################################################################### # user configurable section # ##################################################################### my %config = ( # local interface Config 'autodev' => 1, # automatic interface/ip detection (if you are dialup user only) 'extdev' => 'eth', # the one with your dynamic ip (if autodev answered 1 only put ppp or eth) # if you leave at eth, first found eth that is up will be detected 'tnldev0' => 'sit0', # (leave blank if answered 1 in autodev) 'tnldev1' => 'sit1', # (leave blank if answered 1 in autodev) 'behindnat' => 0, # use external site to get ip, use if behind NAT firewall 'ipwebpage' => '', # use a site like http://checkip.dyndns.com/ or http://myip.dnsomatic.com/ 'autonat' => 1, # don't change this (leave at 1). this is used to determine your ip if autodetection fails # change only if your ISP forces you to use nat and they route IPv6 traffic to you 'staticip' => '', # leave blank if you dont have a static ip. # this option will override auto-detected ip's # tunnelbroker config 'username' => 'dd', # tunnelbroker username 'clearpassword' => 'dd', # can use, but rather use password 'password' => '', # make this with: echo -n | openssl md5 'tunnelid' => 1234, # the tunnel id to configure, get this from the tunnel details page url 'updatens' => 0, # do you want to update your name severs 'ns1' => '', # name severs for the allocated prefixes 'ns2' => '', 'ns3' => '', # misc config 'verbose' => 1, # lots of messages 'trycount' => 3, # how many times it will try and set the endpoint if the server complains it's unstable 'proxy' => '', # use if nessary 'cache.server:3128', behindnat never uses this proxy 'config_int' => 0, # use to configure the interfaces 'loadmod' => 0, # use to force load the ipv6 module # these get filled in by the script, from what the server tells us 'os' => '', # Linux, FreeBSD 'remote' => '', # remote ipv4 of the broker 'local' => '', # local ipv4 - where the broker thinks we are 'remote-ipv6' => '', # remote ipv6 of the broker's tunnel 'local-ipv6' => '', # local ipv6 of the broker's tunnel 'routed-48' => '', # your assigned /48 prefix 'routed-64' => '', # your assigned /48 prefix 'rdns1' => '', # reverse name server #1 'rdns2' => '', # reverse name server #2 'rdns3' => '', # reverse name server #3 ''=>''); ##################################################################### # not so user configurable section # ##################################################################### $progname = "tunnelbroker-update"; $version = "0.10b"; $date = "2008-03-22"; $server = "http://ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/"; $indexpage = "index.php"; $setipv4 = "ipv4_end.php?tunnelid=$config{'tunnelid'}"; $nsupdate = "nsupdate.php?tunnelid=$config{'tunnelid'}"; $getdetails = "tunnel_detail.php?tunnelid=$config{'tunnelid'}"; $logoutpage = "logout.php"; # because we have taint on, we have to give path to programs we want to run $ENV{PATH} = "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin"; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; $| = 1; # output-autoflush, can't hurt :-) $config{'os'} = `uname`; chomp $config{'os'}; if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "$progname version $version ($date)\n"; print "Running under: ".$config{'os'}."\n"; } if (!$config{'password'}) { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "No md5 password found, " } if ($config{'clearpassword'}) { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "clear password found, you should really convert it to md5!\n" } $config{'password'} = `echo -n $config{'clearpassword'} | openssl md5`; chomp $config{'password'} } else { die "$progname: no password configured, login would fail!\n"; } } $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("$progname/$version"); $cookie_jar = new HTTP::Cookies; $headers = new HTTP::Headers Pragma => "no-cache"; sub natbox { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "Using $config{'ipwebpage'} to determine localip!\n"; } $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $config{'ipwebpage'}, $headers; $res = $ua->simple_request($req); if ($res->is_error) { die "\n$progname: Error during get ip: ".$res->status_line."\n" } if ($res->content =~ /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/s) { $localip = $1 } } if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "Getting local ip \n" } if ($config{'behindnat'}) { natbox(); } else { if ($config{'autodev'} && $config{'os'} ne "Linux") { die "$progname: autodev is only supported for Linux.\n"; } if($config{'autodev'} && $config{'os'} eq "Linux") { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print " Searching for a device.... \n" } if (`ifconfig -s | grep $config{'extdev'}` =~ m/$config{'extdev'}(\d)/s) { $1 =~ m/(\d+)/; $config{'extdev'} .= $1; if ($config{'verbose'}) { print " Found the first working device : $config{'extdev'}!\n" ; } if (`ifconfig $config{'extdev'}` =~ m/inet addr:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/s) { $localip = $1 } } else { print " Interface could not be detected.\n"; die "$progname: Make sure your $config{'extdev'} link is up.\n"; } } else { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "using interface : $config{'extdev'}\n"; } if ($config{'os'} eq "Linux") { if (`ifconfig $config{'extdev'}` =~ m/inet addr:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/s) { $localip = $1 } } else { if (`ifconfig $config{'extdev'}` =~ m/inet (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/s) { $localip = $1 } } } } if ($config{'autonat'}) { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print " Checking to make sure $localip is not LAN IP... \n"; } if (($localip =~ m/10.(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/s) || ($localip =~ m/192.168.(\d+\.\d+)/s) || ($localip =~ m/172\.(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+/s and $1>=16 and $1<=33)) { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print " - $localip is really a LAN IP. You should enable behindnat option in config section. Trying to get your real IP!\n"; } natbox(); } } if ($config{'staticip'} =~ m/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/s) { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print " Pre-defined static IP detected. \n"; print " New localip : $config{'staticip'} \n"; } $localip = $config{'staticip'}; } if ($config{'os'} eq "Linux") { if (`ifconfig $config{'tnldev0'}` =~ m/inet6 addr: ::(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/s) { $localipv4 = $1 } if (`ifconfig $config{'tnldev1'}` =~ m/inet6 addr: (\S+)\/127/s) { $localipv6 = $1 } } else { if (`ifconfig $config{'tnldev0'}` =~ m/inet (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) -->/s) { $localipv4 = $1 } if (`ifconfig $config{'tnldev0'}` =~ m/inet6 (\S+) -->/s) { $localipv6 = $1 } } if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "Local Settings:\n" } if ($config{'verbose'}) { print " Local $config{'extdev'} : $localip\n" } if ($config{'verbose'}) { print " Local $config{'tnldev0'} : ". ($localipv4 ? $localipv4 : DOWN) ."\n" } if ($config{'verbose'}) { print " Local $config{'tnldev1'} : ". ($localipv6 ? $localipv6 : DOWN) ."\n" } #enable a proxy server if we have one if ($config{'proxy'}) { $ua->proxy("http", "http://".$config{'proxy'}."/") } if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "creating new session... " } $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $server.$indexpage, $headers; $res = $ua->simple_request($req); if ($res->is_error) { die "\n$progname: Error during get session id: ".$res->status_line."\n" } $cookie_jar->extract_cookies($res); if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "done\n" }; ($sess = $cookie_jar->as_string()) =~ s/.*(Example_Session=\S*);.*/$1/; if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "initialising session... " } $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $server.$indexpage."?".$sess, $headers; $cookie_jar->add_cookie_header($req); $res = $ua->simple_request($req); if ($res->is_error) { die "\n$progname: Error during link id to login: ".$res->status_line."\n" } if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "done\n" }; if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "login and get current settings... " } $req = new HTTP::Request POST => $server.$getdetails, $headers; $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->content("username=".$config{'username'}."&password=".$config{'password'}); $cookie_jar->add_cookie_header($req); $res = $ua->simple_request($req); if ($res->is_error) { die "\n$progname: Error during login: ".$res->status_line."\n" } if ($res->content =~ /failed login code/s) { die "\n$progname: Error during login: bad username and/or password\n" } if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "done\n" }; updateconfig($res->content); my $changed = 0; if ($config{'local'} ne $localip) { my $trycount = $config{'trycount'}; while ($trycount > 0) { if ($config{'remote'} eq "") { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "activate ipv4 end... " } $req = new HTTP::Request POST => $server.$indexpage, $headers; $req->content("ipv4b=".$localip."&activate=Submit"); } else { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "update ipv4 end... " } $req = new HTTP::Request POST => $server.$setipv4, $headers; $req->content("ipv4b=".$localip."&update=Submit"); } $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $cookie_jar->add_cookie_header($req); $res = $ua->simple_request($req); if ($res->is_error) { die "\n$progname: Error during set ipv4 end: ".$res->status_line."\n" } if ($res->content =~ /font color.*?>(.*?) 0) { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "updating name servers... " } $req = new HTTP::Request POST => $server.$nsupdate, $headers; $req->content("ns1=".$config{'ns1'}."&ns2=".$config{'ns2'}."&ns3=".$config{'ns3'}."&request=Submit"); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $cookie_jar->add_cookie_header($req); $res = $ua->simple_request($req); if ($res->is_error) { die "\n$progname: Error during update name servers: ".$res->status_line."\n" } if ($res->content =~ /font color.*?>(.*?)(?:Please click )? $server.$getdetails, $headers; $cookie_jar->add_cookie_header($req); $res = $ua->simple_request($req); if ($res->is_error) { die "\n$progname: Error during get tunnel details: ".$res->status_line."\n" } if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "done\n" }; updateconfig($res->content); } else { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "config same, skipping get tunnel details\n" } } if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "logout... " } $req = new HTTP::Request POST => $server.$logoutpage, $headers; $cookie_jar->add_cookie_header($req); $res = $ua->simple_request($req); if ($res->is_error) { die "\n$progname: Error during logout: ".$res->status_line."\n" } if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "done\n" }; if ($config{'config_int'} && ( (uc $localipv6 ne uc $config{'local-ipv6'}) || ($localipv4 ne $config{'local'}) ) ) { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "configuring local interface $config{'extdev'}... " } if ($config{'os'} eq "Linux") { if ($config{'loadmod'}) { if (`modprobe ipv6`) { die "IPv6 kernel module not loaded correctly"; } } `ifconfig $config{'tnldev0'} down`; `ifconfig $config{'tnldev0'} up`; `ifconfig $config{'tnldev0'} inet6 tunnel ::$config{'remote'}`; `ifconfig $config{'tnldev1'} down`; `ifconfig $config{'tnldev1'} up`; `ifconfig $config{'tnldev1'} inet6 add $config{'local-ipv6'}/127`; `route -A inet6 add ::/0 dev $config{'tnldev1'}`; } else { `ifconfig $config{'tnldev0'} create`; `ifconfig $config{'tnldev0'} down`; `ifconfig $config{'tnldev0'} inet tunnel $config{'local'} $config{'remote'}`; `ifconfig $config{'tnldev0'} up`; `ifconfig $config{'tnldev0'} inet6 $config{'local-ipv6'} $config{'remote-ipv6'} prefixlen 128`; `route add -inet6 default $config{'remote-ipv6'}`; } if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "done\n" }; } else { if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "local interface $config{'extdev'} already configured or auto-configuration disabled, skipped\n" } } sub updateconfig { local($page) = @_; if ($page =~ /Client IPv4(?>.*?\/a>)\s*([\d.]*)/s) {$config{'local'} = $1} elsif ($config{'verbose'}) {print "Couldn't find Local IPv4\n"} if ($page =~ /Server IPv4(?>.*?right>)\s*([\d.]*)/s) {$config{'remote'} = $1} elsif ($config{'verbose'}) {print "Couldn't find Remote IPv4\n"} if ($page =~ /Server IPv6(?>.*?right>)\s*([\dA-Fa-f:]*)/s) {$config{'remote-ipv6'} = $1} elsif ($config{'verbose'}) {print "Couldn't find Remote IPv6\n"} if ($page =~ /Client IPv6(?>.*?right>)\s*([\dA-Fa-f:]*)/s) {$config{'local-ipv6'} = $1} elsif ($config{'verbose'}) {print "Couldn't find Local IPv6\n"} if ($page =~ /Routed \/48(?>.*?right>)\s*([\dA-Fa-f:]*\/\d*)/s) {$config{'routed-48'} = $1} elsif ($config{'verbose'}) {print "Couldn't find Routed /48\n"} if ($page =~ /Routed \/64(?>.*?right>)\s*([\dA-Fa-f:]*\/\d*)/s) {$config{'routed-64'} = $1} elsif ($config{'verbose'}) {print "Couldn't find Routed /64\n"} if ($page =~ /RDNS Delegation NS1(?>.*?\/a>)\s*([^\s<]+)/s) {$config{'rdns1'} = $1} elsif ($config{'verbose'}) {print "Couldn't find RDNS NS 1\n"} if ($page =~ /RDNS Delegation NS2(?>.*?\/a>)\s*([^\s<]+)/s) {$config{'rdns2'} = $1} elsif ($config{'verbose'}) {print "Couldn't find RDNS NS 2\n"} if ($page =~ /RDNS Delegation NS3(?>.*?\/a>)\s*([^\s<]+)/s) {$config{'rdns3'} = $1} elsif ($config{'verbose'}) {print "Couldn't find RDNS NS 3\n"} if ($config{'verbose'}) { print "Current Server Settings:\n"; print " Local IPv4 : $config{'local'}\n"; print " Remote IPv4 : $config{'remote'}\n"; print " Remote IPv6 : $config{'remote-ipv6'}\n"; print " Local IPv6 : $config{'local-ipv6'}\n"; print " Routed /48 : $config{'routed-48'}\n"; print " Routed /64 : $config{'routed-64'}\n"; print " RDNS NS 1 : $config{'rdns1'}\n"; print " RDNS NS 2 : $config{'rdns2'}\n"; print " RDNS NS 3 : $config{'rdns3'}\n"; }; }